I’m a game programmer looking to combine my skills in software engineering and game design to build tech and program for games.

I have experience with a variety of game engines, as I have worked in Unity and Unreal as well as building my own custom game engines. I love gameplay programming and would love to bring my skills to your studio!


Hi, I’m Kelsey Wimberley!





Unreal 4/5


Featured Game

Kartaclysm is two-player racing game where you compete to see who finishes three laps around the dragon track first - with a twist! Target your opponent across the screen through the fourth wall to slow them down. Endure the chaos and cause some yourself in this game-breaking kart racer!

Why Games?

My first video game was Mario Kart: Double Dash!! on the GameCube. Back then, my parents didn’t realize you needed a memory card to save your data on this console, but I didn’t care - I kept unlocking characters and the final cup again and again just because I enjoyed it so much.

This was the beginning of my passion for games. I started learning to program in high school, and I found myself enjoying dabbling in many aspects of the game development process.

Eventually I did get a memory card, and unlocking that alternate title screen felt very special.

Being a Game Developer

I started my journey in game development as a solo creator, and I did a lot of projects where I had to develop all aspects of the games by myself. My favorite parts of game design include gameplay and UI programming specifically, as I enjoy building game functionality and seeing the product come to life.

As I worked more with other talented programmers with their own specialties in graduate school, I got to dive deeper into gameplay and design, as well as build tech in custom game engines to assist in the game development process. One of my proudest technical designs was a UI editor akin to Unity, with easy in-game positioning, scaling, and anchor points to account for different aspect ratios. This editor made me realize that I don’t just want to be a game programmer - I want to build tech that helps myself and my fellow developers build game features faster.

I am currently looking for roles as a Gameplay Programmer, Physics Programmer, or UI Programmer, or Technical Designer.

Fun Facts About Me

I’m a cat mom, and I don’t believe that black cats are bad luck. They’re just cute :)

I am very interested in getting into VR; I think this is a game medium that has not been fully explored yet.

When given the choice in games, I usually prefer to play a cleric or healer. I like making sure players/characters are doing well on health.

I love doing accents. One of my personal favorites is my Cockney accent.

I have checked one item off my bucket list - I visited the castle where my favorite TV show, Merlin, was filmed.

Château de Pierrefonds

My cat, Bastet